Geographical coordinates concerning the quality of the sanitary services case study – catchemt area of Târgului river

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Issue: Volume 1, Issue 1, 2007

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Considering the aspect of preoccupations of the population, the health care represents a constant line, the quality of a medical assistance becoming an important element of individual security, or on the contrary, of insecurity. The quality of the medical services is differently perceived from one life style to another, from a community to another, in the rural environment the medical need is less than in the urban one. On the other hand, the territorial village surgeries often provide only the role of local health status and of transferring centers for the sick to the urban medical units (the hospital in Câmpulung, for small affections, and the one in Pitesti or Bucharest, for the urgent affections).

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About journal

Title: Human Geographies - Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography
ISSN online: 2067-2284
ISSN print: 1843-6587
Imprint: University of Bucharest
Frequency: Biannual (May&November)
First volume: 1/2007
Current volume: 18/2024
Language: English
Indexed in: SCOPUS, ERIH PLUS, EBSCO (SocINDEX), ProQuest (Social Science Journals, SciTech Journals, Natural Science Journals), Index Copernicus, National Technical Information Service (NTiS), Bodleian Libraries, ExLibris SFX, DOAJ, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library, Google Scholar, Ulrich
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Prof. dr. Liliana Dumitrache
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography- Human and Economic Geography Department, 1 Nicolae Balcescu Av., 010041, Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Daniela Dumbrăveanu
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography- Human and Economic Geography Department, 1 Nicolae Balcescu Av., 010041, Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Mariana Nae
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography- Human and Economic Geography Department, 1 Nicolae Balcescu Av., 010041, Bucharest, Romania

Dr. Gabriel Simion
University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography- Human and Economic Geography Department, 1 Nicolae Balcescu Av., 010041, Bucharest, Romania

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