Grassroots solidarity structures in Greece as counterhegemonic practices contesting the dominant neoliberal hegemony

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Issue: Volume 16, Issue 1, 2022


In crisis conditions, solidarity structures emerge as a social and political response to the crisis. This study introduces a new conceptualisation of solidarity structures as grassroots contestations to the neoliberal ‘there-is-no-alternative’ (TINA) discourse. It argues that their operation reflects counterhegemonic practices that can keep alive the hope that another world, based on principles of solidarity, is possible. Moreover, this paper, utilising Gramsci’s work, argues that welfare grassroots community solidarity structures (WGCSS) challenge hegemonic assumptions surrounding the TINA discourse, such as responsibilisation and individual failings, by reflecting arguments for collective provisioning, empowerment and community action, and systemic failings. The arguments made in this paper draw on rapid ethnographic activist research in Chania, Crete, Greece.

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Authors Affiliations

Maria Pentaraki (1), Janet Speake* (1,2)
(1) Queen’s University, Belfast, United Kingdom
(2) Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, United Kingdom
* Corresponding author


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