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Human Geographies – Journal of Studies and Research in Human Geography was first published in 2007 to provide an international forum of social, economic and cultural contributions to the fields of human geography. It is a peer-reviewed journal, has both online and print versions and ISSNs. It represents the initiative and effort of the members of the Human Geography Department, Faculty of Geography from University of Bucharest. Human Geographies is committed to publish scholarly research and informed commentaries on a wide category of human geography aspects (including urban and rural issues, demography, social, economic and cultural environment), place issues, and space issues. It welcomes contributions from the growing numbers of scholars and practitioners across geography, humanities and social and environmental sciences who are interested in human, economic and cultural geographies.
Table of Contents, Volume 18 Issue 2, November 2024
Zainul Abedin, Asif, Hemant
On the margins: exploring barriers to health service accessibility for tribal women in India
Abstract & Full text | doi: 10.5719/hgeo.2024.182.1 | Go to .pdf
Jurica Botić, Daniel Brown, Gokhan Savas
Football support in the context of rethinking regional identity: case study of FC Hajduk Split
Abstract & Full text | doi: 10.5719/hgeo.2024.182.2 | Go to .pdf
Mokhamad Nur Cahyadi, Hepi Hapsari Handayani, Idaa Warmadewanthi, Soni Sunarso Sulistiawan, Christrijogo Sumartono W., Agus Budi Raharjo, Shilvy Choiriyatun Navisa, Nurya Ramadhania, Lachezar Filchev, Maria Dimitrovag, Plamen Trenchev, Deyan Gochev, Georgi Jelev, Anjang Ahmad, Endarko, Agung Purniawan
Variations of air parameters during the COVID-19 Omicron variant lockdown in Surabaya
Abstract & Full text | doi: 10.5719/hgeo.2024.182.3 | Go to .pdf
Mihaela Preda, Monica Maria Cincasciuc, Iuliana Vijulie
Tourism souvenir tattoos, between perception and significance. Case study: Bucharest’s population
Abstract & Full text | doi: 10.5719/hgeo.2024.182.4 | Go to .pdf
Iredo Bettie Puspita, Andri Kurniawan, Muh Aris Marfai, Ruhyana Aditiya Sudrajat
Considering disaster risk when allocating locations in the digital era. Case study: Semarang City, Indonesia
Abstract & Full text | doi: 10.5719/hgeo.2024.182.5 | Go to .pdf
Anindya Puteri Eka Susilowati, Rini Rachmawati, R. Rijanta
Does the digital divide matter? Comparison between Java and the rest of Indonesia in developing smart villages
Abstract & Full text | doi: 10.5719/hgeo.2024.182.6 | Go to .pdf
Amit Chatterjee, Shib Sankar Bagdi, Monidip Mondal
Exploring inequalities of urban housing and basic services through the lens of COVID-19 and smart cities development: insights from Bhopal, India
Abstract & Full text | doi: 10.5719/hgeo.2024.182.7 | Go to .pdf