This paper analyses the state of health of the Romanian population between 1990 and 2000. This was assessed through the use of an aggregate index obtained from well-established indicators of the state of health such as general mortality rate, specific mortality rate by main causes of death, infant mortality rate, specific morbidity rate, and life expectancy. For a better understanding of the Romanian situation, this index was analyzed from an evolutionary and comparative point of view, within the European context. Analyzing the spatial distribution of these values it was possible to identify certain areas within the country with different health status. This yearly spatial variation of the index showed certain evolutionary typologies. It is important to determine accurately the Romanian situation in comparison with other European countries in order to understand the existing disparities and also to establish the action necessary to reduce them, especially within the context of Romania’s future plans for integration into the European Union. It is also important to emphasize the national trends and variations from a spatial perspective, so, those areas with severe health problems can be identified and appropriate social and economic policies and health resources can be targeted where they are most needed.
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