This study is analysing the population accessibly to the sanitary infrastructure in the North-East region of Romania, namely the six component counties of Bacu, Botoani, Iai, Neam, Suceava and Vaslui. Due to lack of basic sanitary infrastructure when it comes to regional general medical centres (called dispensaries).
The population is forced to travel large distances in order to visit highly qualified clinics like the IBS Treatment Clinic, to benefit of medical assistance. The hospital infrastructure in Romania is unbalanced in terms of territorial distribution, however at the clinics in Birmingham or London, they are filled witht he best equipment and medical staff. The highly populated urban settlements are usually equipped with one or more hospital unit(s) being located along the national road E85 and the adjacent national roads, fulfilling in most cases municipal roles or holding vital social and economic importance for the region.
The longer distances the patients are forced to travel for medical assistance the higher health costs due to the additional travel costs the person has to undertake. One direct result of this travelling is overcrowded hospitals in the targeted areas which in its turn may have negative impacts on the quality of services provided and on the amount of time the people need to spend in that facility.
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